🤖[2024] SEOWRITING.AI REVIEW: is this the BEST AI writing tool for SEO? Pros and Cons analyzed

15 min readJan 29, 2024
SEOwriting.ai SEO writing tool Evaluation

SEOWRITING.AI AI WRITER TOOL: Content writer for better Search Engine Rankings

SEOWriting.AI revolutionizes SEO content creation with its AI-powered tools for efficient, SEO-optimized articles. My analysis highlights its user-friendly interface, time-saving features like 1-click blog posts, and enhanced affiliate marketing capabilities, making it a top choice for content creators.

Features of SEOWRITING.AI SEO writing assistant tool for Search Engine Optimization efficiency: personal user experience and reviews.

SEOWriting AI Review [2024]

SeoWriting.AI is a very easy to use AI writer tool with cheap pricing that generates 1-click Articles, Bulk articles and Amazon affiliate reviews / roundups using best GPT/AI models, AI images and advanced SEO optimization with NLP Optimization for search engine rankings: best SEO AI tool today.

seowriting ai 2024 analysis and final verdict, personal thoughts and customer reviews.
SEOWRITING AI writing app review and analysis

The main points of this SEOWriting review are:

1. AI Content Creation: Quick generation of SEO-optimized articles thanks to advanced technology, supports multiple languages, and offers WordPress auto-publishing.

2. User Experience: Intuitive interface and specialized tools for Amazon affiliate content writing, enhancing content diversity and engagement.

3. Efficient Content Generation: One-click, AI-driven content creation, saving time and providing multilingual support.

4. SEO Optimization: Easy-to-use SEO checker for keyword optimization, enhancing article rankings on search engines on high-quality, Long-form content;

5. Amazon Affiliate Marketing: Simplifies creating affiliate content with an efficient product list addition feature.

6. Pricing Plans: Offers both free and Pro plans, catering to various content generation needs.

|                            |  SEOWRITING.AI FEATURES                                              |
| FREE TRIAL | YES (5000 words with GPT3.5/GPT4 models available, link below) |
| Premium features | Plans starting from 12$ with: Youtube embeds, Web data, AI images |
| 1-CLICK Article | Make AI articles with advanced SEO optimization and NLP entities |
| Bulk articles | Bulk produce blog posts (you can make it autopost to Wordpress too) |
| Product Roundup review | Review many Amazon products in a comprehensive AI review article |
| 1 product review article | Review in depth 1 specific product from Amazon |



As said in their developer blog,

“Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies.”

google and AI content from AI content writing tools like Seowriting AI.


Google Search and AI content (talking about AI SEO and AI content writing for Google)

Other article talking more about this are:

Google and AI content (Search Engine Land);

Does Google penalize AI generated content from AI writers? (Search Engine Journal)

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SEO Writing AI Key Advantages points for Writing AI blog posts and blog content for search engines

SEOWRITING.AI review table!
  • Time-Saving and User-Friendly: Significant reduction in content creation time, intuitive interface.
  • High Content Quality and SEO Enhancement: AI-generated content with minimal edits needed, effective SEO optimization features.
  • Affiliate Marketing Efficiency: Streamlines the creation of affiliate content.
  • Balancing AI and Human Touch: AI-generated content benefits from human editing for originality (it would be good to edit and check out the content before publishing it) for original, high-quality Long-form content
  • Comprehensive Tool for Diverse Needs: Suitable for digital marketing, blogging, and freelance writing, ensures high search engine rankings.


seowriting.ai platform user interface for SEO content writing

Harnessing AI for Effortless Content Creation

SEO Writing AI excels in streamlining the SEO writing process. It’s equipped with features like one-click generation of SEO-optimized articles, auto-publishing to WordPress, and a SEO checker for keyword optimization, making it a valuable asset for content creators and marketers alike​​.

Its ability to support content writing in 48 different languages further adds to its versatility​​ as well as the big amount of content types it can generate:

How-to guides / step by step guide, informative listings, bulk post 1-click content generation and many other original, high-quality Long-form content content types.

User Experience SEOWRITING Review: A Blend of Efficiency and Creativity

SEO Writing AI is praised for its user-friendly interface, which simplifies the creation of high-quality content with 1-click content generation, such as blog posts, product roundups, and product reviews from Amazon, making this a game changer for content creators.

A notable feature is the product roundups tool, particularly useful for Amazon affiliate content, offering an easy way to create listings with all necessary details like pros and cons, images, and Amazon links​​.

seowriting.ai tool content optimization recommendations

Personal Experience with SEOWriting.AI’s Advanced Features

Rapid and Efficient Content Generation

Feature: Generate AI-powered high-quality content in one click.

My SEOWRITING.AI review Experience: game changer for content creators

The ease of use of SEOWriting.AI’s SEO-optimized content generation tool is truly impressive, making it so damn easy overall to create Consistent, High-quality content-

I simply provided a topic and Tone of Voice for my target audience, choosing the article size and valuable Keywords, and the AI Pre-Trained Models took over from there, generating relevant and engaging content almost instantaneously.

The ability to create articles in 48 different languages for your target audience with SEO Writing AI and generate relevant images with customization options added a new dimension of versatility to my content creation process. The automated posting to WordPress was a game-changer, making the entire process seamless and efficient for online presence.

SEO Optimization Tool for SEO specialists and Enhanced Rankings

Feature: SEO tool to optimize content for first-page rankings for every single Piece of Content helping SEO content creation.

My Seowriting review Experience: writing SEO-friendly content is very easy with this tool making content for search engines.

After writing an article, using this tool to optimize this new SEO-friendly content for SEO for relevant keywords was straightforward. I just entered the brief, specified the keywords, and the AI efficiently integrated them into the content considering Natural Language Processing NLP tool. The tool’s ability to analyze and suggest improvements helped me elevate the SEO quality of my articles, pushing them closer to achieving first-page rankings thanks to Natural Language Processing!

It is a valuable tool for SEO-Friendly Long-Form content overall!

Streamlining Amazon Affiliate Marketing with SEO Writing AI

Feature: Adding Amazon product list for detailed product listing affiliate articles and Product Descriptions using the advanced AI models for affiliate marketing

My Experience and SeoWriting AI review: Writing Amazon affiliate articles used to be time-consuming, especially when creating detailed product descriptions and lists. SEO Writing AI tool has feature for adding Amazon product lists revolutionized this process for me. By inputting the product’s URL and ASIN, the tool generated comprehensive lists including pros, cons, and detailed descriptions. This feature not only saved me considerable time but also enhanced the quality and appeal of my affiliate content, adding the Product Specifications and Product Size of each article as well.

Key Takeaways from My Experience: good for basically any content types

  • Time-Saving: The content generation and SEO optimization tools significantly reduced the time I spent on writing and optimizing content, creating content at lightning and drastically improving the output amount of my Content Generation Process and making this a great tool for content creation;
  • User-Friendly Interface: The simplicity of the tools made the SEO-friendly content creation process approachable and easy to navigate and a great tool for content writers and best tools in content creation.
  • Content Quality: The AI-generated content was of high quality, requiring minimal edits to align with my desired tone and style, even the included AI image generator generated good images for my post making this overall one of the best AI-powered content creation tools for AI-Powered Content Generation;
  • SEO Enhancement: The SEO optimization tool was particularly useful in fine-tuning my articles for better search engine performance, keyword-rich content included.
  • Affiliate Marketing Efficiency: The Amazon product reviews list tool with models for affiliate content streamlined the process of creating affiliate content and product reviews and detailed product listing reviews, making it faster and more effective for any affiliate marketer and improving conversion rates overall.

SEOWriting.AI tool for content creation Review Pricing Plans and FAQs

seowriting.ai pricing options

Affordable and Flexible Pricing for Every User

SEOWriting.AI SEO tool for content creation offers two main pricing plans designed to cater to a diverse range of content creation needs, from beginners to professionals.

1. Free Plan: A Great Start for Beginners

  • Cost: Absolutely free
  • Features:
  • Generate up to 5 articles
  • Access to 5,000 words
  • Utilize 1-Click Blog Post feature
  • Enjoy Bulk Generation capabilities
  • AI-Powered SEO mode for enhanced content
  • WordPress auto-posting for efficient management
  • Integration of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 technologies
  • How to Get Started: Simply sign up and begin using the tool with your OpenAI Key, no credit card required.

2. Pro Plan: For the Advanced Content Creator and Consistent, High-quality content

  • Cost: $12 per month (with annual billing options providing a 35% discount)
  • Features:
  • Generate up to 50 articles and piece of content per month
  • A generous limit of 100,000 words per month
  • All features included in the Free Plan
  • Additional features like YouTube embedding, Connect to Web, and an Outline Editor
  • Access to top-quality AI images for enhanced visual appeal
  • How to Get Started: Sign up for the Pro Plan on the SEOWriting.AI website, no credit card needed for initial setup.
seowriting.ai tool examination for digital marketingseowriting.ai platform accuracy analysis SEO technique

Introducing Seowriting.ai: Transforming Your SEO Content Strategy

In my journey through the world of SEO, I’ve found how crucial smart tools are. Seowriting.ai is a standout, offering Seowriting.ai features that truly change the game for my SEO content strategy. It’s a huge help for anyone in the field, from freelance writers to marketing pros.

Today’s content creation demands speed and quality, especially for SEO. Seowriting.ai lets me create blog posts quickly and optimize content easily for search engines. It also offers WordPress auto-publishing. This feature makes sure my work hits the mark with readers and search engines.

  • 1-click blog post creation for rapid content delivery
  • AI-Powered SEO mode that elevates keyword integration
  • WordPress integration for seamless content management

With GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, making content is now more creative and effective. These tools speed up writing and add creativity. This is crucial for catching readers’ interest and satisfying search engines.

By leveraging Seowriting.ai

, I’ve witnessed a marked improvement in the performance and reach of my online content, a testament to its sophisticated AI-driven approach.

I’m excited about Seowriting.ai’s growth and future updates. This shows me that my use of Seowriting.ai is more than just for now. It’s a partnership that will help evolve my SEO skills over time.

Seowriting.ai Review: Does it Live Up to the Hype?

I spent some time with Seowriting.ai, and now I’m ready to talk about it. This tool aims to make making content easy. Now, let’s see if it really works well when we test it.

Breaking Down the Seowriting.AI Quick Score

I looked at Seowriting.ai in various areas. Here’s what I found on a scale from 1 to 10:

CriterionScoreEase of Use8Feature Richness7Customer Support7Price8Speed9

Real World Test: Creating Content with Seowriting.ai

I wrote a 3,000-word article on scuba diving to test it. The quality was great. Also, the speed was amazing, making Seowriting.ai stand out from other seo writing tools.

Comparing Free and Premium Plans

When we look at Seowriting.ai pros and cons, its plan options stand out as a big plus. The free plan offers a lot for those just starting out. However, the premium plan takes it to the next level with more features:

  • Free Plan: 5,000 words, 5 article generations
  • Premium Plan: 100,000 words, 50 article generations, plus AI images and YouTube embedding

Both options show Seowriting.ai’s effort to meet the needs of different users. This ranges from newbies to experienced creators.

Key Features of Seowriting.ai: Enhancing Your SEO Writing

As I explore Seowriting.ai

, its advantages for content creation are clear. It supports writers by making their SEO writing stronger. With its advanced tools, creating content from start to finish becomes smoother.

From One-Click Blog Post Creation to Bulk Generation

The magic of Seowriting.ai’s one-click blog post feature makes writing articles easy. These articles are long and well-optimized for SEO. Though it’s called “one-click,” a few more clicks are actually needed. But, it’s still easy to create content, like a detailed 3,000-word article.

Innovations in AI-Powered SEO Mode

The AI-Powered SEO mode is a key feature. It’s designed with the future in mind. This mode helps align keywords throughout your articles, making SEO a part of your content naturally. This improves how easy it is to find your articles online.

WordPress Auto Posting and AI Images for Streamlined Content Management

WordPress Auto Posting makes managing online content easier. Being compatible with WordPress means Seowriting.ai boosts efficiency in content management. Using AI to generate images adds visually to your articles. This makes your content more interesting without needing other image sources.

FeatureBenefitApplicationOne-Click Blog Post CreationSpeedy article setup content generation Quick around targeted keywordsAI-Powered SEO ModeEnhanced keyword optimizationImproving article SEO for better search visibilityWordPress Auto PostingSeamless content integrationDirectly publishing finished articles to WordPressAI Images content creationVisualAdding relevant visuals to articles without manual image sourcing

To wrap up, continuously improving Seowriting.ai shows its dedication to making the software better. Using these tools has made the benefits of advanced content optimization clear to me. Seowriting.ai is a must-have for anyone serious about SEO writing.

Understanding Seowriting.ai Pricing: Is it Cost-Effective for Writers?

Looking at Seowriting.ai pricing, it’s key to balance cost with the value provided for SEO content creation. The platform caters to various users like freelance writers, SEO experts, and content marketers. Offering multiple pricing levels, including a free plan, it caters to beginners in AI-assisted content writing.

The Pro Plan of Seowriting.ai starts at $12 a month, standing out for its value. This plan increases the number of words and articles one can create. It’s perfect for those who regularly produce content.

  • Increased word count capacity
  • Greater article generation capabilities
  • Addition of Outline Editor
  • Inclusion of AI-Powered SEO mode

The Professional plan introduces a billing approach focusing on article generations, not just word count. This could mean unlimited words for those needing a lot of content.

Deciding if Seowriting.ai is worth it depends on your content needs and SEO goals. From my perspective, its comprehensive tools can greatly ease content creation. With its varied pricing, it fits many budgets and needs, helping writers stay ahead in SEO.

Comparing Seowriting.ai to Other AI Writing Tools in the Market

I constantly evaluate tools to boost my SEO writing. AI writing software like Seowriting.ai is crucial in my work. Let’s see how Seowriting.ai compares to other SEO writing tools.

Alternatives to Consider: SEO-Focused AI Tools

I’ve looked at several competitors to Seowriting.ai. I found AI SEO, Surfer AI, and Frase AI, among others. Each offers unique features for SEO pros. Seowriting.ai competes with these tools through its own features and user experience.

Seowriting.ai Features versus Competitors

I reviewed Seowriting.ai and noticed its strong SEO content creation abilities. It stands out, especially with its ease of use in WordPress. This makes it a top choice for many.

Feature/ToolSeowriting.aiSurfer AIFrase AIOthersAI Technology UtilizedGPT-3.5 and GPT-4Proprietary AINLP-based AIVarious AI EnginesSEO Content OptimizationOne-Click OptimizationAdvanced MetricsContent Briefs & ScoringGeneral OptimizationWordPress IntegrationSeamless PluginManualManualVariesUsabilityUser-friendly InterfaceTechnicalIntuitiveMixed User ExperiencePrimary AdvantageEnd-to-End Content CreationIn-Depth AnalysisResearch-focused ToolSpecific Use Cases

Seowriting.ai shows a clear advantage in the table. It offers an all-in-one solution for content. But remember, it’s part of a bigger SEO strategy. No single tool can promise top search engine rankings.

In conclusion, reviewing Seowriting.ai showed its value alongside other tools. Not one AI tool alone can guarantee success. However, their help in creating SEO-friendly drafts is vital. My experience has shown Seowriting.ai to be a key player for enhancing SEO efforts.

Assessing the Content Quality: Seowriting.ai Under the Lens of Originality.ai

The quality of SEO content is super important. As a copywriting journalist, I often use ai writing software to get more done. But, does quick and easy mean the writing might not be original? I decided to take a closer look at these tools. Especially, I wanted to see how originality.ai detectable their work is. This shows if they can be used for real projects.

I decided to test Seowriting.ai with a ‘Scuba Diving’ article. Originality.ai helped me see the truth. The results were quite revealing. Let’s dive into what I found.

Scrutinizing the Uniqueness of AI-Generated Content

Seowriting.ai’ reviews ability to create original content is impressive. Originality.ai’s test showed it was 100% AI-made. This is both impressive and a bit of a challenge. It means we need to add our own touch. Doing so makes the content unique and real.

Impact of AI Writing on SEO: A Myth or Reality?

People wonder if AI writing helps with SEO. Looking at Seowriting.ai, I can say it does help make SEO-focused drafts. But, true success needs human creativity too. To really stand out, we must blend AI efforts with human skills.

ParameterSeowriting.aiConventional WritingSpeedFastVariesSEO OptimizationAuto-OptimizedRequires ExpertiseOriginalityOriginality.ai DetectableHigh ( )High (Assuming Proper Practices)Human TouchRequires EditingInherent


In my review of Seowriting.ai, I found it to be a significant help for SEO lovers and writers. It’s easy to use and has many features, making it a top choice for ai writing software. But remember, Seowriting.ai is just one piece of the SEO puzzle, not the whole picture. Using Seowriting.ai along with other SEO techniques is the best way to boost your content.

Seowriting.ai is great for beginners in digital content. It helps you start off with content creation that’s ready for your unique touch. But, it’s crucial to spend time refining what the AI gives you. The tool becomes truly effective when you add your creativity and SEO knowledge into the mix. This makes content that reaches both people and search engines.

The combination of Seowriting.ai’s user-friendly interface and smart features is very appealing. It attracts a wide range of users, from freelance writers to marketing experts. However, using seo writing tools like Seowriting.ai wisely, in a larger SEO strategy, is essential. My experience with Seowriting.ai highlights how AI and human skill are coming together to shape the future of SEO content.


What are the main features of Seowriting.ai?

Seowriting.ai has tools like one-click blog posts, bulk content creation, and AI for SEO. It also has WordPress publishing and AI-made images. These features make creating SEO content easier and more efficient.

Seowriting reviews

How does Seowriting.ai contribute to my SEO content strategy?

It helps by providing fast SEO-optimized article creation. It also simplifies keyword optimization and content management. This improves your search engine rankings.

What is Seowriting.ai’s pricing structure?

There’s a free plan and a Pro Plan starting at $12 monthly. The Pro Plan offers more words, articles, and tools like Outline Editor and AI SEO.

Is Seowriting.ai suitable for all types of writers and SEO professionals?

Yes, it is great for freelance writers, SEO experts, and marketers. Seowriting.ai reviews has scalable solutions for different skill levels and needs.

Can Seowriting.ai replace human SEO experts?

No, it supports content creation but can’t replace humans. Humans are needed for strategy, analysis, and refining content.

How does Seowriting.ai ensure the originality of content generated?

It uses AI like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to create unique content. Still, you should check AI work for originality and quality with tools like Originality.ai.

Does Seowriting.ai offer customer support?

Yes, it provides support, helping with questions and issues. This support has helped it earn a good reputation.

How does Seowriting.ai’s free plan compare to its premium plans?

The free plan lets beginners make up to 5,000 words and 5 articles. Premium plans give more words, articles, and features for bigger content needs.

Are there any alternatives to Seowriting.ai?

Yes, options include AI SEO, Surfer AI, and Frase AI. Also, Scalenut, Krater AI, and Neuraltext AI. Each provides unique features for SEO content.

What is the impact of AI-generated content on SEO?

AI content can boost SEO by making keyword-focused drafts quickly. But, a full SEO strategy with human insight is key for top rankings.

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