Hyros review

3 min readMar 10, 2024


HYROS Analysis: Key Takeaways and In-Depth Review for B2B Marketers

This comprehensive Hyros review highlights its core capabilities and advantages:

Hyros review: Key Features & Benefits

  • Precision Decision-Making: HYROS eliminates guesswork with unparalleled data accuracy, enabling informed marketing choices.
  • Maximized ROI with AI Optimization: Achieve a consistent 20% boost in ad ROI through HYROS’s patented AI attribution system.
  • Real-Time Workflow Integration: Make quick, strategic adjustments with real-time data insights seamlessly integrated into your workflow.
  • Tailored Support for Your Business: Navigate the complexities of your unique business model with personalized 1-to-1 support.
  • Deepest Tracking for Maximum Accuracy: HYROS excels with the highest level of tracking accuracy, recognizing the substantial impact of even minor improvements.
  • Comprehensive Insights for Long-Term Success: Gain a holistic view of customer behavior across all traffic sources for lasting strategic wins.
  • Trusted by Industry Leaders: Join the ranks of Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, and Russell Brunson in leveraging HYROS for a market advantage.
  • Predict True Profit with Customizable Reporting: Build tailored dashboards, forecast profits, and make data-driven decisions that go beyond simple attribution.

Hyros review:Refund Policy

HYROS confidently offers a 90-day, risk-free trial. If you don’t experience the growth you’re aiming for, you can get your money back, minimizing upfront investment risk.

>> Try Hyros Tracking Risk-Free <<

What is Hyros Ad Tracking?

Hyros is a robust tool designed to meticulously track calls and sales originating from ads, offering far greater detail than native ad platforms alone. It meticulously tracks the entire call journey, from initiated calls to closed sales, even pinpointing qualified calls. This enhanced data is fed back to ad platforms, helping their AI systems optimize targeting for:

  • More precise customer acquisition
  • Increased volume of qualified calls
  • Higher overall ad ROI

HYROS Review: Main Features

  • Advanced Call and Sales Tracking: Tracks up to 200% more calls and sales compared to conventional ad platforms.
  • Print Tracking for Accuracy: Utilizes unique “print” tracking, providing up to 50% higher ad attribution than relying on ad platforms alone.
  • Cohort Analysis and LTV Tracking: Enables deep-dives into customer behavior patterns, identifying high-value cohorts and tracking revenue in relation to ad spend over extended periods.
  • Creative Reporting Suite: Accurately measures creative asset performance across your campaigns.
  • Customizable Attribution Models: Adapt attribution models to align perfectly with your unique e-commerce business needs.
  • Seamless Integration with Ad Manager: Provides a unified view of the customer journey across devices, platforms, and organic traffic for a holistic understanding.
  • Deep Data APIs and System Compatibility: Designed for large info brands, it smoothly integrates with robust data reporting systems like Data Studio or Sales Force, as well as major and minor e-commerce platforms and payment processors.
  • 1-to-1 Concierge Relationship: Benefit from a dedicated expert to ensure flawless tracking and reporting, and to collaboratively identify growth opportunities.
  • Holistic E-Commerce Integration: Syncs leads, phone calls, email, and every aspect of your business for comprehensive attribution insights.
  • Deepest Tracking Online: Tailored for brands demanding the pinnacle of accuracy, potentially unlocking millions in additional revenue through more precise tracking of long-term and repeat sales.

Why Use Hyros for Ad Tracking?

  • Offline Conversion Tracking: Seamlessly transmit offline conversion data to ad platforms for laser-focused targeting.
  • AI-Powered ROI Boost: Achieve consistent 20%+ ad ROI improvements through HYROS’s patented AI attribution.
  • Real-Time Workflow Integration Gain actionable real-time insights for better decision-making in your marketing operations.
  • Personalized Support: Get tailored advice and support specifically designed to address your unique business dynamics.

How Does Hyros Tracking Software Work?

Hyros integrates seamlessly into EVERY facet of your marketing funnel (traffic sources, email, checkouts, calls). It’s a no-code, easy-to-set-up tool. And, should you need it, their support team is highly responsive. Its AI system empowers you to connect offline sales with the ads that generated them, enabling superior campaign optimization.

Pricing, Founder, & CEO

  • Hyros uses invite-based, custom pricing ideal for businesses with larger ad spends and revenue.
  • Founder: Alex Becker (Hyros Becker’s Linkedin)
  • CEO: Inman Breaux

Final Thoughts Hyros review

HYROS offers a game-changing, AI-driven approach to ad tracking. If you’re ready to level up, consider requesting a HYROS demo today.

>> Learn More About Hyros & Request a Demo <<


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